Landing Your First Faculty Job

Pursue your career at a place you enjoy living - it's no fun being miserable in a little town with no life, if you are really a big city person

Do clever science

Publish, publish, publish

You need to specialize in order to become visible - do not scatter your efforts in many different areas of research

Any good paper/work will eventually find its journal!

Tenure is the prize in academia

Teaching skills are good to have but publications are your true portable currency

Specialize - you will receive more visibility this way than if you scatter your attention in many different direction/topics

To be a full professor you must be known for something

Speak and write good english

If you get tenure, never accept another appointment without it

Submit your papers to the best journals in the field and work your way down (unless you know they are of poor quality)

Find the best possible school for your first job because you can only go down from there

Creat an electronic pool of references which you will use over and over again

Publish early and often

Write clearly

When interviewing for a teaching position with senior faculty, do not overwhelm them with the importance of your work or how prolific you are - they may not have accomplished that much in recent years

Learn to write your papers in a compelling way

Avoid citing references in the abstract

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Academic Career, research, Academic Careers, universities, academia, job, Alumni, academic job, jobs, higher education, graduate students, academic career, employers, Academic & Career, academics, Internship, Career Services, academic careers, Professor, mentor

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